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⭐️ Free Shipping on all orders to the value of £20.00 or more. Add the code FREESHIPPING20 at checkout. Happy Shopping! ⭐️

Little Packages of Positivity, Designed & Created with Love…

High Quality - Handcrafted - Unique

Each one of our products begins with an original verse, which is brought to life with bold lettering and illustrations, and presented on the finest papers, made right here in the UK.

Male Positivity

© 'Number One...' A6 Card
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© 'Heaps of Luck' A6 Card
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© 'Trust the Journey...' A6 Card
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© 'You're Amazing' A6 Card
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© 'Your Story...' A6 Card
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© 'Dad You're a Star...' A6 Postcard with Keepsake Token
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'Dream a New Dream - C.S Lewis' Positivity Pebble
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© 'Sprinkle of Joy...' A6 Card
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© 'You've Got This Lion...' A6 Postcard with Keepsake Token
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© 'His Story' A6 Card
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© 'Time for a Break' A6 Card
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© 'I Can... Male Positivity' A6 Card
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“Kind words are a creative force, a power that concurs in the building up of all that is good, and energy that showers blessings upon the world”
(Lawrence G. Lovasik)